Import Inventory Feed to Amazon Marketplace (Legacy)
This task will take an XML for CSV file and update your inventory on your Amazon Seller account.
Amazon Settings
API Call Delay
Specify the delay in milliseconds to use between calls to Amazon. Amazon throttle requests to their services, so if sending a large data set you may need to increase this limit.
Choose at least one marketplace to send the XML feed to. For information about how Amazon handles feeds sent to multiple marketplaces, see Using Multiple Marketplaces.
The Amazon Marketplace (Legacy) Connection to use. See the Connecting to Amazon Marketplace (Legacy) article if you require more information on how to create/manage connections.
Export Settings
Output File
Optional output for the response of the upload
Feed Settings
Input File
The name of the file containing the inventory data feed.
Zynk Settings
See Common Task Settings.
A sample input file is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AmazonEnvelope xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amzn-envelope.xsd" xmlns:xsi="">