Import Feed to Amazon Marketplace (Legacy)
This task encapsulates the whole process of submitting XML feeds to Amazon, waiting for Amazon to process them, and retrieving the results.
Amazon Settings
API Call Delay
Specify the delay in milliseconds to use between calls to Amazon. Amazon throttle requests to their services, so if sending a large data set you may need to increase this limit.
Choose at least one marketplace to send the XML feed to. For information about how Amazon handles feeds sent to multiple marketplaces, see Using Multiple Marketplaces.
The Amazon Marketplace (Legacy) Connection to use. See the Connecting to Amazon Marketplace (Legacy) article if you require more information on how to create/manage connections.
Feed Settings
Feed Type
Choose from the list of supported feeds for upload. We support all available types of the Feeds API.
File Settings
Fail File
The name of the file to write failed records to. This will be written in the same XML format as the input file.
Input File
The name of the file containing the data feed in XML format.
Success File
The name of the file to write successfully processed records to. This will be written in the same XML format as the input file.
Zynk Settings
See Common Task Settings.
A sample input file is shown below. This contains data for the 'POST_PRODUCT_DATA' feed type.
Documentation for Amazon's XML feed formats can be found in Selling on Amazon Guide to XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AmazonEnvelope xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amzn-envelope.xsd" xmlns:xsi="">
<Title>China Glaze Ahoy Nail Polish Lacquer with Hardeners 14ml</Title>
<Brand>China Glaze</Brand>
<Manufacturer>China Glaze</Manufacturer>