Import Direct Fulfilment Shipment Confirmations into Amazon Vendor Central
This task will import shipment confirmations for direct fulfilment purchase orders from an XML file into Amazon Vendor Central.
Amazon Region
Select which Amazon region you want to send data to or receive data from. If you need data for more than one region, you will need to add a separate copy of the task to your workflow for each region.
Amazon Vendor Central Connection
The Amazon Vendor Central Connection to use. See the Amazon Vendor Central Connection article if you require more information on how to create/manage connections.
Fail File
The XML file to output any records which failed to import to Amazon. The data will be stored in the same format as the input file.
Input File
The XML file containing the records to import to Amazon. See below for an example input file.
Success File
The XML file to output records which successfully import to Amazon. The data will be stored in the same format as the input file.
Prevent Reprocessing
Set to true to prevent the a record with the same ExternalId
value from being processed more than once.
Time To Wait (Mins)
The length of time (in minutes) to wait for Amazon to process records. Any records that have not been processed within this time will be considered failed, and will appear in the Fail File. This value should only be increased from it's default value of 15
if you are experiencing delays with Amazon processing your data. The value can't be set lower than 15
Zynk Settings
A sample input file is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>