Export Report from Amazon Seller Central
This task allows you to run reports from your Amazon MWS account. Some reports will return XML data, while others will return tab delimited data.
Choose at least one marketplace to send the XML feed to. Please note that this task only allows you to select marketplaces from within the same region. If you need to generate reports across different regions, you will need to use a separate instance of this task per region.
Amazon Seller Central Connection
The Amazon Seller Central connection to use. See the Connecting to Amazon Seller Central article if you require more information on how to create/manage connections.
End Date
Specify an end date to filter the data returned by the report.
Report Options
Some reports allow additional options to be specified. Enter the name and desired value of the option into this list.
Report Type
Select the type of report to run. For more information about each feed type.
Start Date
Specify an start date to filter the data returned by the report.
Output File
The name of the file to export the data returned by the report to.
Zynk Settings
See Common Task Settings.
Sample output file for the 'GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_ALL_DATA' report:
item-name item-description listing-id seller-sku price quantity open-date image-url item-is-marketplace product-id-type zshop-shipping-fee item-note item-condition zshop-category1 zshop-browse-path zshop-storefront-feature asin1 asin2 asin3 will-ship-internationally expedited-shipping zshop-boldface product-id bid-for-featured-placement add-delete pending-quantity fulfillment-channel merchant-shipping-group status
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