Export Orders from Amazon Seller Central
This task will provide a list of new or modified orders in XML format.
Choose at least one marketplace to export orders from.
Amazon Seller Central Connection
The Amazon Seller Central connection to use. See the Connecting to Amazon Seller Central article if you require more information on how to create/manage connections.
Export Buyer Info
Set to true to export the buyer name, anonymised email address and purchase order number associated with each order from Amazon.
Export Financial Events
Set to true to export the financial events associated with each order from Amazon.
Export Settings > Date Created
The rolling dates to export new orders from, per region. This will automatically update each time the task runs. TIP: If you want to re-export old orders, change this setting to an earlier date.
Export Settings > Date Modified
The rolling dates to export updated orders from, per region. This will automatically update each time the task runs. TIP: If you want to re-export old orders, change this setting to an earlier date.
Export Settings >Export New or Modified
Choose whether to export new or modified orders from Amazon.
Fulfillment Channel
Filters the export based on the fulfillment channel of each order. The following options are available:
- All- Export both FBA and seller fulfilled orders.
- FBA - Only export orders that are fulfilled by Amazon (AFN)
- SellerFulfilled - Only export orders that are to be fulfilled by the seller (MFN).
Defaults to all fulfillment channels.
Order IDs
Optionally provide a specific Amazon order ID or list of IDs to export. Multiple IDs can be specified as a comma separated list.
Specifying order IDs will override the Export Settings.
Order Status
The status of when you want to download the order from Amazon. Choose from All, PendingAvailability, Pending, Unshipped, PartiallyShipped, Shipped, Canceled or Unfulfillable.
Start Date
The initial date to start exporting orders from. Any orders placed before this date will not download, even if they are updated. This can be used to prevent orders which have already been processed manually from being export.
Output File
The name of the file to export the downloaded orders to.
Zynk Settings
See Common Task Settings.
Sample output file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Orders xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<IsReplacementOrder xsi:nil="true" />
<IsEstimatedShipDateSet xsi:nil="true" />
<BuyerEmail>[email protected]</BuyerEmail>
<AddressLine1>2201 WESTLAKE AVE</AddressLine1>
<Phone>+1 480-386-0930 ext. 73824</Phone>
<Title>B00551Q3CS [Card Book]</Title>
<ItemPrice CurrencyCode="USD">10.00</ItemPrice>
<ItemTax CurrencyCode="USD">1.01</ItemTax>
<PromotionDiscount CurrencyCode="USD">0.00</PromotionDiscount>
<IossNumber />