Auto Mapper
This task will automatically map XML data to and from the Zynk XML format. It is typically used as a simple way to transform data provided by an external system (such as Amazon, eBay, etc.) into a format which is ready for import into Sage.
The task works using a standard XSL transform, which can be customised to meet your specific requirements using the 'Customise Mapping' button within the mapping settings.
Input File
The input XML file containing the data you would like to transform.
This is where you specify how you would like the data to be mapped. See the 'Configuring the Mapping' section below for more details.
You can use the XSLT functions that are embedded into Zynk Worfklow and XSLT Builder. For more information, see XSLT Functions
If you have the Xslt Builder extension installed, when you click 'Customise' on the configuration form, the Xslt Builder application will launch with your Input File, Auto Mapper & Output File loaded.
Output File
The XML file the result should be saved to.
Zynk Settings
For a detailed look at configuring the Auto Mapper, please see our Using the Auto Mapper tutorial
Sample input file containing an Amazon order:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Order AmazonOrderId="123-1234567-1234567" SellerOrderId="123-1234567-1234567" PurchaseDate="13/01/2013 18:46:35" LastUpdateDate="14/01/2013 15:31:09" OrderStatus="Shipped" FulfillmentChannel="AFN" SalesChannel="" OrderChannel="" ShipServiceLevel="Standard" NumberOfItemsShipped="1" NumberOfItemsUnshipped="0">
<ShippingAddress Name="Joe Bloggs" AddressLine1="Zynk Software" AddressLine2="Nelson House" AddressLine3="Jesmond" City="Newcastle" County="" District="" StateOrRegion="Tyne & Wear" PostalCode="NE2 3AE" CountryCode="GB" Phone="08451232920" />
<OrderTotal CurrencyCode="GBP" Amount="5.16" />
<OrderItem ASIN="B0002JT1Q8" SellerSKU="LACO22103" Title="Laco Regular Soldering Flux 60g 22103" QuantityOrdered="1" QuantityShipped="1" GiftMessageText="">
<ItemPrice CurrencyCode="GBP" Amount="5.16" />
<ShippingPrice CurrencyCode="" Amount="0" />
<GiftWrapPrice CurrencyCode="" Amount="0" />
<ItemTax CurrencyCode="GBP" Amount="0.00" />
<ShippingTax CurrencyCode="" Amount="0" />
<GiftWrapTax CurrencyCode="" Amount="0" />
<ShippingDiscount CurrencyCode="" Amount="0" />
<PromotionDiscount CurrencyCode="GBP" Amount="0.00" />
Sample output file with the mapping set to Amazon Orders -> Zynk XML Sales Orders:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Company xmlns:zynk="">
<Forename>Joe Bloggs</Forename>
<Company>Joe Bloggs</Company>
<Address1>Zynk Software</Address1>
<Address2>Nelson House</Address2>
<Postcode>NE2 3AE</Postcode>
<County>Tyne & Wear</County>
<Forename>Joe Bloggs</Forename>
<Company>Joe Bloggs</Company>
<Address1>Zynk Software</Address1>
<Address2>Nelson House</Address2>
<Postcode>NE2 3AE</Postcode>
<County>Tyne & Wear</County>
<Name>Laco Regular Soldering Flux 60g 22103</Name>