Import Products into ProSKU
This task will upload products that are supplied in an XML format.
The below fields in bold are required when creating a product or changing a product. The other fields are optional when creating and updating.
- product_code
- description
- code2
- code3
- barcode
- keywords
- cost_price
- sales_price
- active
- storage_uom
- secondary_uom
- height if Depth and Width are also recorded
- width if Height and Depth are also recorded
- depth if Height and Width are also recorded
- weight
- items_per_unit
- storage_volume
- required_volume
- use_size_to_set_volume
- serial_number_in
- serial_number_out if product records serial number in
- required_batch_no
- record_rotation_date if product requires rotation by rotation date
- supplier_details
- rotation_display_format
- auto_putaway
- auto_putaway_option if auto_putaway
- store_by_volume
- store_together_different_rotation
- top_up
- force_top_up
- mix_with_other_products
- product_groups
- min_stock_level if auto_putaway
- rotation_by if product requires rotation
- strict_rotation
- picking_location
- min_replen_quantity
- max_replen_quantity
- enforce_replen_rotation
- enforce_pickface_picking
- custom_fields
ProSKU Connection
The connection to ProSKU to use. See Connecting to ProSKU if you require more information on how to create/manage connections.
Fail File
The name of a file for "failed" imports to be sent to.
Input File
The source file that you want to import in Zynk XML format.
Success File
The name of a file for "successful" imports to be sent to.
Zynk Settings
See Common Task Settings.
Sample input file, for full documentation and samples see ProSKU XML Products:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<description>Phantom Description</description>
<code3 />
<keywords />
<secondary_uom />
<mix_with_other_products />
<picking_location />
<description>Phantom1 Description</description>
<code3 />
<keywords />
<secondary_uom />
<mix_with_other_products />
<picking_location />
<description>Phantom2 Description</description>
<code3 />
<keywords />
<secondary_uom />
<mix_with_other_products />
<picking_location />