Import Pre Receipts into ProSKU
This task will import pre receipts to ProSKU that are supplied in an XML format.
The below fields in bold are required when importing a pre receipt, the other fields are optional.
Pre Receipt level
- additional_ref
- date_of_receipt
- marshalling_zone
- notes
- supplier_detail
Line level
- product_code
- quantity (if total_quantity not provided)
- secondary_quantity (if product requires secondary unit of measure and total quantity not provided)
- total_quantity (if quantity and secondary quantity not provided)
- pallet_ref
- rotation_date (if product requires rotation)
- batch_no (if product requires batch number)
- location
- stock_status
- serial_numbers If product records serials on receipts
Sage 50 Connection
The connection to Sage 50 UK to use. See the Connecting to ProSKU article if you require more information on how to create/manage connections.
Fail File
The name of a file for "failed" imports to be sent to.
Input File
The source file that you want to import in Zynk XML format.
Success File
The name of a file for "successful" imports to be sent to.
Zynk Settings
Sample input file, for full documentation and samples see ProSKU XML Pre Receipts:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<notes>receipt through api</notes>