Import Orders into ProSKU
This task will upload orders that are supplied in an XML format.
The below fields in bold are required when creating a product.
Order Level
- order_reference
- marshalling_zone
- order_date
- order_type
Customer Level
- delivery_name
- notes
Shipping Level
- company_name
- carrier_code
- service_code
- phone_number
- address_line_1
- address_line_2
- address_line_3
- address_line_4
- post_code
- town
- delivery_date
- delivery_time
Country Level
- country_name
- iso_2_code
- iso_3_code
Line Level
- product_code
- quantity
- stock_status
- rotation_date
- batch
- pallet_ref
ProSKU Connection
The connection to ProSKU to use. See Connecting to ProSKU if you require more information on how to create/manage connections.
Fail File
The name of a file for "failed" imports to be sent to.
Input File
The source file that you want to import in Zynk XML format.
Success File
The name of a file for "successful" imports to be sent to.
Zynk Settings
See Common Task Settings.
Sample input file, for full documentation and samples see ProSKU XML Orders:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<carrier_code>Example Courier Company</carrier_code>
<address_line_1>23, Address Line</address_line_1>
<address_line_2>Address Line 2</address_line_2>
<post_code>PO5 C0D</post_code>
<country_name>United Kingdom</country_name>