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Sage 50 UK PROTX_PAYMENT Columns

Name Type   Length Precision   Notes  Example
VENDOR_TX_CODE VARCHAR 63 63 The id assigned to the payment by Line 50
VPS_TX_ID VARCHAR 63 63 The id assigned to the payment by Protx
TX_AUTH_NUMBER VARCHAR 63 63 The id assigned to the payment by the bank
AMOUNT DOUBLE 8 15 The amount of the payment
ACCOUNT VARCHAR 8 8 The reference of the Customer/Supplier (if any) whose record was used for this transaction
PAYMENT_DATE DATE 2 10 The date the payment was made through Line 50
PAYMENT_TYPE VARCHAR 8 8 The type of payment,
TRANSACTION_TYPE TINYINT 1 3 The type of transaction i.e. Payment or Refund
RECORD_CREATE_DATE 16 0 Date and time when the record was created.
RECORD_MODIFY_DATE 16 0 Date and time when the record was modified.
RECORD_DELETED TINYINT 2 3 Flag denoting if the record has been deleted or not.