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Name Type   Length Precision   Notes  Example
ACCOUNT_TYPE TINYINT 1 3 Is this record for a customer or supplier? 0
ACCOUNT_REF VARCHAR 8 8 The unique identifier of the customer or supplier whose communication address is being defined A1D001
LETTER_TYPE_ID INTEGER 4 10 The unique identifier of the letter type record whose recipient address is being defined (an internal number) 1
ADDRESS_REF INTEGER 4 10 The number of the customer/supplier's address record to which the letter type is sent 5
ADDRESS_ID VARCHAR 12 12 The unique identifier of the specific customer or supplier address A1D001 0005
PREFERRED_EMAIL SMALLINT 2 5 The index of the number of the email from the registered address to use 0
RECORD_CREATE_DATE 16 0 Date and time when the record was created. 04/08/2017 14:18:54
RECORD_MODIFY_DATE 16 0 Date and time when the record was modified. 04/08/2017 14:18:54
RECORD_DELETED TINYINT 2 3 Flag denoting if the record has been deleted or not. 0