Import Organisations to webCRM
This task will import organisations into webCRM in webCRM Organisation XML format from a file, and output to a success and fail file in the same format.
webCRM Connection
The connection to webCRM to use, see Connecting to WebCRM for information on how to manage connections.
Fail File
The name of the file to save records that failed to import into webCRM, each record will include an Errors collection detailing why the import failed.
Defaults to webcrm_import_organisations_fail.xml
Input File
The name of the file containing the records to import into webCRM. Defaults to (Output from previous task)
Success File
The name of the file to save records that were imported into webCRM, each record will include an Id field with the webCRM internal identifier.
Defaults to webcrm_import_organisations_success.xml
Prevent Reprocessing
If true Zynk will check the Truth database to see if a record with the same ExternalId has been provided before, if so the record will be ignored. Otherwise the record will be imported.
Zynk Settings
Example XML
A sample showing all available fields for an organisation, see webCRM Organisation XML for detailed information.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Organisation ExactMatch="true">
6-8 Charlotte Square</Address>
<Alert />
<Comment />
<CreatedBy>webCRM System</CreatedBy>
<DivisionName>Newcastle upon Tyne</DivisionName>
<Domain />
<ExtraCustom1 Name="VAT no.">12345</ExtraCustom1>
<ExtraCustom2 Name="Accounting ID Number">12345</ExtraCustom2>
<Fax />
<Gps />
<ImageFileExtension />
<MarketDataId />
<Name>Zynk Software Limited</Name>
<History />
<OverlayUrl />
<PostCode>NE1 4XF</PostCode>
<State>Tyne and Wear</State>
<Telephone>0191 820 1484</Telephone>
<UpdatedBy>api2 Zynk</UpdatedBy>
<VatNumber />
<VatStatus />
<XDate1>01/01/0001 00:00:00</XDate1>
<XDate2>01/01/0001 00:00:00</XDate2>
<Plus1 Name="Test Date">20180130</Plus1>
<Custom1 Name="Original Lead Source">Advertising</Custom1>
<Custom2 Name="No of Employess">51 to 100</Custom2>
<Custom3 Name="Test">A1D001</Custom3>
<Memo>test memo</Memo>