Export Order Statuses from StoreFeeder
This task will export the order status information that is configured StoreFeeder account.
Please note, this task will export all of the order statuses each time it runs, unlike our typical tasks which operate using a date filter.
The StoreFeeder connection to use. See Connecting to StoreFeeder.
File Settings
Output File
The file to save the exported data to. The data is returned in an XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OrderStatus xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Description>An order for which there is still an outstanding payment due.</Description>
<Description>An order which is ready to be processed for despatch.</Description>
<Description>An order which has been assigned to a Pickwave.</Description>
<Description>An order which has been shipped to the customer.</Description>
<Description />
<Description />
<Description>An order where some, though not all, items have been returned.</Description>
<Description>An order where all items have been returned.</Description>
<Description>An order where all items are currently out of stock.</Description>
<Description>An order which has been canceled by the customer.</Description>
<Description>An order which has been cancelled by the merchant.</Description>
<Description>An order where some, though not all, of the items are currently out of stock.</Description>
<Description />
<Description />
<Description />
<Description>An order containing products not recognised by StoreFeeder.</Description>
<Description>An order which requires customer contact before continuing.</Description>
<Description>Placeholder Description</Description>
<Description>A MOTO order which has not yet been finished.</Description>
<Description>An order that has been shipped to the customer by a third-party supplier.</Description>
<Description>An order which has been marked as requiring shipment by a third-party supplier.</Description>
<Description>A drop shipment order which has been sent to Amazon for processing.</Description>
<Description>A dropshipment order which has been sent to a supplier for processing.</Description>
<Description>An order which is being returned, but for which the items have not yet been received.</Description>
<Description>An order which has been returned by Amazon.</Description>
<Description>An order which has been partially returned by Amazon.</Description>
<Description>A drop shipment order which has been sent to and accepted by the supplier.</Description>
<Description>A drop shipment order which has been sent to the some supplier and some, though not all, lines have been accepted by the supplier.</Description>
<Description>An order where some, though not all, items have been shipped by a third-party supplier.</Description>
<Description>A drop shipped order which has now been returned.</Description>
<Description>A drop shipped order which has now been part returned.</Description>
<Description>A Pre-despatched order that is awaiting stock to be delivered.</Description>
<Description>A Pre-despatched order that is ready to picked.</Description>
<Description>An order that has had part of the cost refunded.</Description>
<Description>An order that has been cancelled because it cannot be fufilled due to damaged or missing stock. Any allocated stock remains</Description>
<Description>An order that is waiting to be sent to a Drop Shipment Supplier</Description>
<Description>eBay are going to fully fulfill / despatch this order</Description>