Export Inventory from Peoplevox
This task will export inventory information from Peoplevox in XML format. The output is built up from a number of reports from Peoplevox to give an overall stock position per site. You can control the level of detail in output using the task settings.
Connection Settings
Peoplevox Connection
The connection to the Peoplevox instance to use. See the Connecting to Peoplevox if you require more information on how to create/manage connections.
Data Settings
Export Item Inventory Changes
Optionally export inventory changes for each item type from the past 30 days. Defaults to false
Export Item Inventory Summary
Optionally export the inventory summary for each item site location in the output. Defaults to false
Export Item Inventory Summary All Sites
Optionally include the inventory summary all sites report for each item in the output. Defaults to false
Export Item Types
Optionally export the item type data associated with each inventory item. Defaults to false
Export Settings
Timeout (In Minutes)
Maximum amount of time in minutes that Zynk will wait for a response per call made. Defaults to 10
File Settings
Output File
The name or full path to the file the returned data will be saved to.
Defaults to peoplevox_export_inventory.xml
Peoplevox Settings
API Call Delay
The number of seconds to wait between sending requests to the Peoplevox API, used when making multiple paged requests to export data. Defaults to 1
Items Per Page
The number of items to retrieve per request made to Peoplevox. Zynk will make as many requests as required to download all data matching the filters set on the task. The maximum this can be is 1000, anything higher will be reset to 1000. Defaults to 20
Search Clauses
You can add search clauses to limit the data that is returned from the report, for more information see Peoplevox Search Clauses.
Zynk Settings
Example XML
Example output file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Inventory xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<ItemName>Mini Clipboard Calculator</ItemName>
<Name>Test Site</Name>
<ItemTypes />