Import Price Lists into B2B Wave
This task will import price lists and product prices into your B2B Wave portal. You will provide an input file containing a collection of price lists and within each price list you can optionally provide a collection of product prices.
You can create new and update existing price lists and product prices with this task.
File Settings
Fail File
Required The file to write failed records to.
Input File
Required The file containing the records you wish to process.
Success File
Required The file to save successful records to.
Import Settings
Prevent Reprocessing
Required Prevent the same record being processed more than once by providing an external_id.
Zynk Settings
See Common Task Settings.
This example lookups the price list using the name and product prices using the code (product_code
- You must use the
to lookup the corresponding price list in B2B Wave if you do not provide theid
. - For product prices, you can lookup the product by using either the name (
) or code (product_code
). Alternatively, you can provide theproduct_id
. - For each product price, you must provide the
<!-- this price will fail validation, as the price has not been provided -->
<!-- in the event a price does not pass validation, an error will be written to the record in the success file. -->
<!-- <price>1</price> -->