Using Excel Repeaters
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use the Excel Repeater task and the Context Variables it produces to store unique information for a variety of records.
Excel Repeater
In this example, we will be working with the following example Excel file:
AccountReference | Name | OutstandingBalance |
CUST001 | Customer 1 | 42.00 |
CUST002 | Customer 2 | 10.00 |
CUST003 | Customer 3 | 653.00 |
In this example, we will use the following task settings. Any settings not mentioned can be left at their default values:
Input - The Excel file to use. Set this as the name of the Excel file.
Worksheet Name - The name of the worksheet in the Excel file that you would like to process. Set this as the name of the Excel Worksheet (usually "Sheet1" unless otherwise specified)
This gives us access to AccountReference, Name and Outstanding Balance for each record in the Excel file as Context Variables.
Next, we can use the Razor Template task and these Context Variables to create personalised text files for emailing. It is important to ensure that the Razor Template is nested within the Excel Repeater task. This can be achieved by dragging the Razor Template on top of the Excel Repeater Task task. When successful, you will notice the Razor Template task appears indented.
In this example, we will use the following XML as the template for the Razor template task:
Dear @(Context.Current["Name"]), your outstanding balance is @(Context.Current["OutstandingBalance"]).
Please bring your account up to date at your earliest convenience.
Test Company
For the Razor Template task, we will use the following task settings. Any settings not mentioned can be left at their default values:
Output File - The file to save successful records to. In this example, we will set this to:
@(Context.Current["AccountReference"]) email.txt
. Please ensure that you click on the ellipsis and tick the "Use Razor Engine" checkbox.Template File - The file containing the template to use. This should be set as the file containing the above Razor Template.
If we run the workflow now, 3 files are created:
- CUST001 email.txt
- CUST002 email.txt
- CUST003 email.txt
Here is an example of the contents of CUST001 email.txt
Dear Customer 1, you're outstanding balance is 42.00.
Please bring your account up to date at your earliest convenience.
Test Company
This is just a few of the ways Context Variables can be used in an integration, but it should hopefully give you some insight into the other types of operations that can be carried out.