Salesforce Complex Object XML
This task will create or update multiple records of different types in Salesforce, and create relationships between them. The example below shows how to upload opportunities and opportunity line items, and link them to a particular account and price book.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SalesforceObjects Type="Opportunity" Key="Name">
<SalesforceObject Operation="Upsert">
<Field Name="Name" Value="Order 12345" Truncation="Right" />
<Field Name="CloseDate" Value="2023-02-14" />
<Field Name="StageName" Value="closed won" PicklistValueCaseSensitive="false" />
<LookupField Name="AccountId" Select="Id" From="Account" MatchType="Single">
<WhereField Name="Name" Value="19 Computing" />
<LookupField Name="Pricebook2Id" Select="Id" From="Pricebook2">
<WhereField Name="Name" Value="Standard Price Book" />
<RelatedObject Type="OpportunityLineItem" Key="Id" Operation="Upsert">
<LookupField Name="Id" Select="Id" From="OpportunityLineItem">
<WhereField Name="OpportunityId" Value="{ParentId}" Comparison="Equals" />
<LookupField Name="PricebookEntryId" Select="Id" From="PricebookEntry" MatchType="Index" MatchIndex="0">
<WhereField Name="Pricebook2.Name" Value="Standard Price Book" Comparison="Equals" />
<WhereField Name="CurrencyIsoCode" Value="GBP" Comparison="Equals" />
<WhereField Name="Product2.ProductCode" Value="IPHONE4" Comparison="Equals" />
<Field Name="Description" Value="iPhone 4" />
<Field Name="OpportunityId" Value="{ParentId}" />
<Field Name="Quantity" Value="1" />
<Field Name="UnitPrice" Value="250" />
<LookupField Name="PricebookEntryId" Select="Id" From="PricebookEntry" MatchType="Index" MatchIndex="0">
<WhereField Name="Pricebook2.Name" Value="Standard Price Book" Comparison="Equals" />
<WhereField Name="CurrencyIsoCode" Value="GBP" Comparison="Equals" />
<WhereField Name="Product2.ProductCode" Value="IPHONE4" Comparison="Equals" />
<RelatedObject Type="OpportunityLineItem" Key="Id" Operation="Upsert">
<LookupField Name="Id" Select="Id" From="OpportunityLineItem">
<WhereField Name="OpportunityId" Value="{ParentId}" Comparison="Equals" />
<LookupField Name="PricebookEntryId" Select="Id" From="PricebookEntry" MatchType="Index" MatchIndex="0">
<WhereField Name="Pricebook2.Name" Value="Standard Price Book" Comparison="Equals" />
<WhereField Name="CurrencyIsoCode" Value="GBP" Comparison="Equals" />
<WhereField Name="Product2.ProductCode" Value="00299" Comparison="Equals" />
<Field Name="Description" Value="WIHA Screwdriver" />
<Field Name="OpportunityId" Value="{ParentId}" />
<Field Name="Quantity" Value="1" />
<Field Name="UnitPrice" Value="0.01" />
<LookupField Name="PricebookEntryId" Select="Id" From="PricebookEntry" MatchType="Index" MatchIndex="0">
<WhereField Name="Pricebook2.Name" Value="Standard Price Book" Comparison="Equals" />
<WhereField Name="CurrencyIsoCode" Value="GBP" Comparison="Equals" />
<WhereField Name="Product2.ProductCode" Value="00299" Comparison="Equals" />
In each of the following sections most of the XML has been omitted to make the samples easier to read. The whole structure of the SalesforceObjects schema is used below as a reference of where fields should be in the object model.
The SalesforceObjects
element represents a collection of objects to upload to Salesforce. This element is the root of the XML document.
XML Field | Example | Field Type | Input | Description |
@Type | Opportunity | string | Required | The type of objects contained within the collection. This should correspond with the API name of an object in Salesforce. |
@Key | Name | string | Optional | Specify the Salesforce API name of a field to use as the key. Defaults to Id if not specified. The key field will be used to match each SalesforceObject to an existing record in Salesforce, so long as a Field child element is provided with the same name. If a match is found, the existing record will be updated, otherwise a new record will be created. |
SalesforceObject | N/A | SalesforceObject | Optional | A record to upload to Salesforce. Multiple SalesforceObject elements can be included in the SalesforceObjects collection. See SalesforceObject for more info. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SalesforceObjects Type="Opportunity" Key="Name">
<!-- See SalesforceObject below -->
The SalesforceObject
element represents an individual record to insert or update in Salesforce. It can contain multiple fields, lookups and other related objects.
XML Field | Example | Field Type | Input | Description |
@Operation | Insert | enum | Optional | The type of operation to perform against Salesforce. The available options are Insert, Update and Upsert. Will default to the option selected in the task settings if not specified. |
Field | N/A | Field | Optional | Represents a field that should be set to a pre-determined value in Salesforce. Multiple Field elements can be provided. See Field for more info. |
LookupField | N/A | LookupField | Optional | Represents a field where the value should be looked up in Salesforce. Multiple LookupField elements can be provided. See LookupField for more info. |
RelatedObject | N/A | RelatedObject | Optional | Represents a child record that should be uploaded to Salesforce. Multiple RelatedObject elements can be provided. See RelatedObject for more info. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SalesforceObjects Type="Opportunity">
<SalesforceObject Operation="Insert">
<Field Name="Name" Value="Order 12345" />
<LookupField Name="AccountId" From="Account">
<WhereField Name="Name" Value="19 Computing" />
<RelatedObject Type="OpportunityLineItem">
<!-- See RelatedObject below -->
The Field
element represents a field that should be set to a pre-determined value in Salesforce.
XML Field | Example | Field Type | Input | Description |
@Name | StageName | string | Required | The Salesforce API field name of the field to set in Salesforce. |
@Value | Closed Won | string | Optional | The value to set the field to. Omit this attribute from the XML to set the value to null in Salesforce. |
@Operation | Insert | enum | Optional | Insert will only set this field when creating a new record in Salesforce. Update will only set this field when updating an existing record in Salesforce. Upsert will set this field regardless. If not specified, it will default to 'Upsert'. |
@Truncation | None | enum | Optional | When setting a text field in Salesforce, this attribute can be used to automatically truncate the value if it is too long. Valid values: None, Right, Left |
@PicklistValueMatching | ApiName | enum | Optional | When setting a picklist field in Salesforce, this attribute is used to specify how to match the @Value provided to one of the picklist options in Salesforce. ApiName will match the Value to the picklist's API names. Value will match the Value to the picklist's display values. ApiNameThenValue will firstly try to match based on API name, then fall back to the value if no match is found. ValueThenApiName will firstly try to match based on value, then fall back to the API name if no match is found. If not specified, the matching will default to 'ApiName'. |
@PicklistValueCaseSensitive | false | bool | Optional | When setting a picklist field in Salesforce, this attribute is used to specify whether the @Value provided should be matched on a case sensitive basis or not. Defaults to true if not specified. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SalesforceObjects Type="Opportunity">
<Field Name="StageName" Value="Closed Won" Operation="Insert" Truncation="None" PicklistValueMatching="ApiName" PicklistValueCaseSensitive="false" />
The LookupField
element represents a lookup for the value of a field from an existing object Salesforce. This is useful where you need to set a field to the same value as a field on another object in Salesforce. The example shown below will lookup the ID of the account with the name 'Test 123', and use this as the value for the AccountId field on an opportunity.
The criteria that should be used to search Salesforce is specified by child elements of the LookupField
, so there must always be at least one child element. If multiple child elements are specified, only records which meet all of the conditions will be considered a match. The following child elements are supported:
- WhereField - Used to search a particular field for a pre-determined value. In the example shown below, this is used to find accounts where the name equals "Test 123".
- LookupField - Complex lookups across different types of object can be constructed by using further
elements as children. In the example shown below, this is used to search the User object for the Id of the user with the name "John".
If there are multiple LookupField
elements for the same field (i.e. where the Name
attribute is the same), the task use the first one that finds a match in Salesforce. This can be used to match records which meet one condition or another.
XML Field | Example | Field Type | Input | Description |
@Name | AccountId | string | Required | The API name of the field to set in Salesforce. |
@Value | N/A | string | Optional | If a value is specified, this will be used instead of performing the lookup. |
@Operation | Insert | enum | Optional | Insert will only set this field when creating a new record in Salesforce. Update will only set this field when updating an existing record in Salesforce. Upsert will set this field regardless. If not specified, it will default to 'Upsert'. |
@Select | Id | string | Optional | The API name of the field containing the value to be returned by the lookup. If not specified, this will default to Id. |
@From | Account | string | Required | The API name of the object to perform the lookup against. |
@MatchType | Index | enum | Optional | The type of matching to perform against Salesforce. Single will return the first matching record, but will fail if more than one match is found. First will return the first matching record found. Last will return the last matching record found. Index will return the matching record from a specific index, as specified by the @MatchIndex attribute. Will default to 'Single' if not specified. |
@MatchIndex | 1 | int | Dependant | The 0 based index of the record the lookup should return. Used in conjunction with the Index MatchType. |
WhereField | N/A | WhereField | Dependant | Used to search a particular field for a pre-determined value. Multiple WhereField elements can be provided. See WhereField for more info. |
LookupField | N/A | LookupField | Dependant | Complex lookups across different types of object can be constructed by using further LookupField elements as children. Multiple LookupField elements can be provided. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SalesforceObjects Type="Opportunity">
<!-- This will set the AccountId field on the opportunity to the Id of the account where the name is "Test 123" and the owner name is "John" -->
<LookupField Name="AccountId" Operation="Insert" Select="Id" From="Account" MatchType="Index" MatchIndex="1">
<WhereField Name="Name" Value="Test 123" Comparison="Equals" />
<LookupField Name="OwnerId" Select="Id" From="User">
<WhereField Name="Name" Value="John" Comparison="Equals" />
<!-- This will set the Pricebook2Id to the Id of the price book called 'Retail', but if one doesn't exist, it will use the standard price book instead -->
<LookupField Name="Pricebook2Id" Select="Id" From="Pricebook2">
<WhereField Name="Name" Value="Retail" />
<LookupField Name="Pricebook2Id" Select="Id" From="Pricebook2">
<WhereField Name="IsStandard" Value="true" />
The WhereField
element is used as a child of a LookupField
to search a particular field for a pre-determined value.
XML Field | Example | Field Type | Input | Description |
@Name | Type | string | Required | The API name of the field the lookup should search in Salesforce. |
@Value | Reseller | string | Required | The value the lookup should search for in Salesforce. |
@Comparison | Equals | enum | Optional | The type of comparison to use when searching Salesforce. The available options are Equals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEquals, LessThan, LessThanOrEquals, Like. Will default to 'Equals' if not specified. |
@PicklistValueMatching | ApiName | enum | Optional | When searching a picklist field in Salesforce, this attribute is used to specify how to match the @Value provided to one of the picklist options in Salesforce. ApiName will match the Value to the picklist's API names. Value will match the Value to the picklist's display values. ApiNameThenValue will firstly try to match based on API name, then fall back to the value if no match is found. ValueThenApiName will firstly try to match based on value, then fall back to the API name if no match is found. If not specified, the matching will default to 'ApiName'. |
@PicklistValueCaseSensitive | false | bool | Optional | When searching a picklist field in Salesforce, this attribute is used to specify whether the @Value provided should be matched on a case sensitive basis or not. Defaults to true if not specified. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SalesforceObjects Type="Opportunity">
<LookupField Name="AccountId" Select="Id" From="Account">
<WhereField Name="Type" Value="Reseller" Comparison="Equals" PicklistValueMatching="ApiName" PicklistValueCaseSensitive="false" />
The RelatedObject
element represents an individual child record of the SalesforceObject
it is placed in. To create the relationship between the two records, you need make sure you set the value of the field that links the child to it's parent. You can access the Id of the parent record using the {ParentId}
variable, as shown in the sample XML below.
The RelatedObject
element is itself a SalesforceObject, so it supports all of the attributes and child elements described in that section of the documentation.
XML Field | Example | Field Type | Input | Description |
@Type | OpportunityLineItem | string | Required | The API name of the Salesforce object. |
@Key | Id | string | Optional | Specify the Salesforce API name of a field to use as the key. Defaults to Id if not specified. The key field will be used to match each RelatedObject to an existing record in Salesforce, so long as a Field child element is provided with the same name. If a match is found, the existing record will be updated, otherwise a new record will be created. |
@Operation | Upsert | enum | Optional | The type of operation to perform against Salesforce. The available options are Insert, Update and Upsert. Will default to the same value as the parent SalesforceObject if not specified. |
Field | N/A | Field | Optional | Represents a field that should be set to a pre-determined value in Salesforce. Multiple Field elements can be provided. See Field for more info. |
LookupField | N/A | LookupField | Optional | Represents a field where the value should be looked up in Salesforce. Multiple LookupField elements can be provided. See LookupField for more info. |
RelatedObject | N/A | RelatedObject | Optional | Represents a child record that should be uploaded to Salesforce. Multiple RelatedObject elements can be provided. See RelatedObject for more info. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SalesforceObjects Type="Opportunity">
<RelatedObject Type="OpportunityLineItem" Key="Id" Operation="Upsert">
<Field Name="OpportunityId" Value="{ParentId}" />
<LookupField Name="UnitPrice" Select="UnitPrice" From="PricebookEntry">
<WhereField Name="ProductCode" Value="IPHONE4" />
<WhereField Name="Pricebook2.Name" Value="Standard" />
<!-- Further child records can be specified like this -->